If you want to customize our templates for your customers, you don’t need any license, as your client will be the last owner of the template files. The only thing you should keep in mind is that when you start projects based on the same template, you have to purchase this template again for each project it is used in.
No, using the item only in a commercial environment does not mean you need an Extended License. If the end product is sold to end users, you need an Extended License. If the end product is free, you only need one Normal License, even if you are a commercial business.
As long as the end users can freely access the end product, the Regular License is fine. There can be more than one end-user (the person who uses the end product, such as the end consumer) as long as there is only one, unique end product.
If end users need to pay to see the end product, you need an Extended or Buyout License. As long as there is only one end product, there can be more than one end user. Some products are Extented and some products have a Buyout license. You should choose one of these licenses.
No, you can not resell the templates as is. You can only sell them as the integral part of your new product.
You may need to purchase a Buyout license for this.
Images published under GNU GPL v3.0 do not include images and are used for demo purposes only.
Yes, you can redistribute it under the terms of the GPL as well.
If you buy a template released under GNU General Public License v3.0, you can use it on any number of projects belonging to either you or your clients without any limitations. This license allows you to modify the template and its sources to suit your needs.
No, you can not place a line at the bottom of the customized project saying “Website design by Company name”. Nevertheless, you can place “Customized by Company name”.
You can use your purchased template on your own or your client’s server. You cannot sell the template as it is. The sales rights of the themes you purchase from our website belong to OngoingThemes.
When you purchase the template at the regular price, you automatically get a one-time use license. It allows you to use each product on a single website of you or your customer. If you plan to use the same design in conjunction with another project or other projects, you need to purchase the same template again.
If you purchase a Developer license, you have a non-exclusive permission to use the template in up to 5 areas for projects of you or your client.
If you purchase the product at a “Buyout” license, it guarantees that you are the last person to buy this template from us. This means that this template may have been sold several times (see the “Downloads” number in the item’s properties), but only you and the people who bought the template before you. After such a purchase, the template is permanently removed from our sales directory and can never be used by other customers again. The purchase license allows you to develop an unlimited number of projects based on this template, but the template must be customized differently for each project.