April 25, 2020
Can I get a commission from the sale when I find a customer for your themes?
Yes, you can get commission from our sales for the customers you refer us. Our affiliate page will be published soon. To get in touch with the subject, please contact us on the Contact Us page.
Read MoreApril 25, 2020
I want to add an e-commerce module to the theme I bought. Can you give support?
Yes, we can integrate WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads for WordPress themes. If you have a ready-made template, we can first add it to a platform (such as CMS) and then add an e-commerce module. Please...
Read MoreApril 25, 2020
I want to customize the theme I bought from different marketplace. Can you help with this?
Of course, we can develop the features you want for themes or templates you have purchased from different marketplaces. You can contact us on the Contact page to get a quote.
Read MoreApril 25, 2020
I would like to have a special website. Are you interested?
Yes, we are not only making ready-made themes, but also making special developments to bring your dream website to life. Please contact our contact page for this issue.
Read MoreApril 25, 2020
Do you offer a promotional code to get the theme at an affordable price?
Yes, of course we offer. We offer many events to get various discounts. You can follow our discounts on our Promocodes / Coupons page.
Read MoreApril 25, 2020
Am I allowed to modify the item that I purchased?
Yes. You can customize our items to fit the needs of your end product. You can change the colors, text, and layout of a template or convert an HTML template into a WordPress theme for a...
Read MoreApril 8, 2020
I have a commercial business. Do I always need an Extended License?
No, using the item only in a commercial environment does not mean you need an Extended License. If the end product is sold to end users, you need an Extended License. If the end product is...
Read MoreApril 8, 2020
Which license do I need for an end product that is only accessible to paying users?
If end users need to pay to see the end product, you need an Extended or Buyout License. As long as there is only one end product, there can be more than one end user. Some...
Read MoreMarch 25, 2020
Do you provide document or video tutorials?
Yes, along with the theme, extensive document and video tutorials also come with the theme file.
Read MoreMarch 25, 2020
Theme support is 6 months. Can I buy support for 1 year or more?
Of course, you can get a support package of 1 year or more from “Additional Services” on the page where you purchased the theme.
Read MoreMarch 25, 2020
Can I buy a single license or theme only?
Of course, we have various license types. If you are going to use it for a single domain, you will take a look at our catalog of themes and plugins for WordPress and buy the single...
Read MoreMarch 25, 2020
Can I use a theme or plugin I purchased from the Ongoing Themes website for my client?
Yes, you are free to use our Premium WordPress theme or plugins to create websites for your clients. We love providing developers with functional and beautiful design choices for their clients!
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